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Integrations and Examples

Integrations and Examples

Envelop provides a low-level API for integrating it with your server of choice, but a rich API for building plugins. It is possible to integrate Envelop with any HTTP server framework and almost any GraphQL Server Framework.


Our personal recommendation is using graphql-yoga (opens in a new tab). It is a fully-functional GraphQL server that has the envelop engine built-in! You can find a minimal example of using envelop with yoga here (opens in a new tab).

Compatibility Table

Here's a list of integrations and examples. This list here includes integrations with different GraphQL servers, different HTTP servers and different GraphQL schema builders. In case you are missing your favorite server, feel free to add it!


Since Envelop is not an HTTP server, and just a wrapper around the GraphQL request pipeline - it's possible to integrate it with almost any server/framework.

Server/FrameworkFully supported?Example
Yoga Servergraphql-yoga (opens in a new tab)
GraphQL-Helixgraphql-helix (opens in a new tab)
Node.js HTTPbasic-http (opens in a new tab)
GraphQL-Helix (with @defer and @stream)graphql-helix (opens in a new tab)
Apollo-ServerPartial (opens in a new tab)apollo-server (opens in a new tab)
GraphQL-HTTPgraphql-http (opens in a new tab)
GraphQL-WSgraphql-ws (opens in a new tab)
GraphQL-SSEgraphql-sse (opens in a new tab)
Azure Functionsazure-functions (opens in a new tab)
Cloudflare Workerscloudflare-workers (opens in a new tab)
Google Cloud Functionsgoogle-cloud-functions (opens in a new tab)
Lambda AWSlambda-aws (opens in a new tab)
type-graphqltype-graphql (opens in a new tab)
nexusnexus (opens in a new tab)
express-graphqlexpress-graphql (opens in a new tab)