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Package nameWeekly DownloadsVersionLicenseUpdated
@envelop/resource-limitations (opens in a new tab)DownloadsVersionLicenseOct 16th, 2023


This plugins uses extended-validation concept (details here (opens in a new tab)) for implementing a resource-limitations rate-limit similar to GitHub GraphQL API (see (opens in a new tab) for more details)

Getting Started

yarn add @envelop/resource-limitations

Usage Example

import { execute, parse, specifiedRules, subscribe, validate } from 'graphql'
import { envelop, useEngine } from '@envelop/core'
import { useResourceLimitations } from '@envelop/resource-limitations'
const getEnveloped = envelop({
  plugins: [
    useEngine({ parse, validate, specifiedRules, execute, subscribe }),
    // ... other plugins ...
      nodeCostLimit: 500000, // optional, default to 500000
      paginationArgumentMaximum: 100, // optional, default to 100
      paginationArgumentMinimum: 1, // optional, default to 1
      paginationArgumentScalars: ['ConnectionInt'], // optional, use if connections use a different scalar type as the argument instead of `Int`
      extensions: false // set this to `true` in order to add the calculated const to the response of queries